Crowdfunded Cashback Community

Join the community to find a lower price anywhere online and earn by referring others

Program Outline

Crowd Funded Cashback Community™ Program Outline

Welcome to the Crowd Funded Cashback Community™, Where You CAN have Your CAKE and EAT it too!

How it works! You Must be at least 18 years of age to Subscribe to the World’s 1st Crowd Funded Cashback Community™.

As the Viral Marketing Millionaire a little over 10 years ago, I was determined to build the world’s 1st Crowd Funded Cashback Community™ (the “Community”). By utilizing Social Media’s greatest resource, US, everyone with a social media account is their own Crowd; each one of US is an online UN-PAID brand ambassador. Let’s Get Paid!

We’re ONLINE Anyway!

Here is how: A minimum of 65% of the earnings from all Michael E. Jordan Group™ owned properties, will be contributed to the Community. The 65% is distributed over the 6 referral levels of available Crowd Funded Cashback™ referral commissions. When Community members personally refer a new Community member, and that referred Community member then purchases products, goods or services, and/or pays a monthly subscription to any of the EXCLUSIVE service which the Michael E. Jordan Group™ offers, that member becomes an Active Community member (ACFCC™).

The Michael E. Jordan Group™ had created a Crowd Builder’s Fund™. The Crowd Builder’s Fund™ will be available for the life of the Michael E. Jordan Group™. 2% of all gross revenues generated by Michael E. Jordan Group™ properties will go to the Crowd Builder’s Fund™, for a total of 67% of gross revenues earned contributed back to the Community.

The Crowd Builder’s Fund™ will be closed to additional Crowd Builders™ when 1,000 Crowd Builders™ are in the Community, or when the 30-day launch period ends, whichever comes first!

From the 1st day to the 30th day of the official launch of the Michael E. Jordan Group’s™ Crowd Funded Cashback Community™, and only during the 30-day time period of the launch of the Community, when any N-ACFCC™ or ACFCC™ directly refers 10 new Community members or more, and who remains a Community member for 90 consecutive days, the referring Community member will automatically qualify for the Crowd Builder’s Fund™.

An Active Community member ACFCC™ is a community member who has an up-to-date, active, paid monthly subscription to a minimum of one of the products, goods or services offered to the Community.

A Non-Active Community member (N-ACFCC™) is an ACFCC™ member who has not yet purchased a paid monthly subscription, product, good or service offered to the Community.

A N-ACFCC™ Community member is only eligible to earn crowd funded cashback referral commissions from the purchases of their crowd through Cashback Community Store™ to access their Amazon, Alibaba or Lazada accounts.

A N-ACFCC Community member is only to earn crowd funded cashback referral commission from their directly referred “ACFCC”™ members, meaning only earnings from referral level #1 of the 6 referral levels. To trigger earning crowd funded cashback referral commissions from the paid monthly subscriptions of their directly referred “ACFCC” member the “N-ACFCC” will need to directly refer 2 ACFCC™’s who purchase a THAT Travel Club Full subscription; that N-ACFCC™ can also directly refer 6 ACFCC™’s who purchase a THAT Travel Club™ Lite subscription or directly refer 10 ACFCC™ members.

Upon referring the 2 ACFCC™’s who purchase the THAT Travel Club™ Full subscription, referring 6 ACFCC™’s who purchase a THAT Travel Club™ Lite subscription, or achieving 10 directly referred ACFCC™ members, the N-ACFCC™ will automatically achieve “ACFCC” status, and will be upgraded to a THAT Travel Club™ Lite monthly subscription, and will automatically open all 6 referral levels of Crowd Funded Cashback™.

ALL monthly subscriptions paid by an N-ACFCC™ members’ directly referred by ACFCC™ members will be held in the N-ACFCC™ member’s account and will be released when the 10 ACFCC™ referral minimum distribution amount is achieved.

S.O.S! Once ACFCC™ status is achieved in the Community all 6 referral levels are opened to begin paying crowd funded cashback referral commissions. The exception to this is being removed from the Community for cause or deliberate deletion of the member’s account.

ANY Community member who accidentally deletes their account can recover the account and will be allowed to recover their account within 72 hours of the accidental deletion.

After 72 hours an automatic notice will be sent every 3 days to every registered electronic device listed on the member’s profile alerting the member to the accidentally deleted account.

After 1 delinquent subscription payment cycle, on the 3rd day messages will cease. The accidentally deleted account will be frozen. No Crowd Funded Cashback™ will be awarded to the accidentally deleted account.

If our records show a next of kin or contact, we will attempt to contact that accidentally deleted Community member’s contact person.

After 6 months of no activity on the accidentally deleted Community member’s account, we will check our records to see if the Community member had arranged to leave the remaining referral commissions to someone over the age of 18 and/or arranged to have the remaining funds distributed to the Community member’s designated representative.

When a Community member decides to delete their account, that Community member will be notified immediately alerting that member of the account deletion. We will contact the member for 3 consecutive days.

On the 4th day the account will disconnect from the Community! The deleted account will be closed, any unclaimed Crowd Funded Cashback™ referral commissions due for the current Cashback distribution will be calculated, and a check will be mailed to the most current mailing address listed on the deleted member’s account.

ANY Community member who deletes their account will NOT BE eligible to create a new account and will be required to sit out of the Community for 365 days from the date the deletion was verified.

Your directly referred Community members are your Crowd. Community members can communicate directly with directly referred Community members. Community members can request and accept the Crowd Connections from any member of the Community.

A Community member’s account will be closed for cause! The Community member whose account has been closed will be paid any Crowd Funded Cashback™ referral commissions owed for the current month or whatever amount of Cashback is currently in the Community member’s account.

We will be as communicative as we can. As a Community member you may receive messages including but not limited to Email, Ringless Voicemail, Text, Push notifications, Alexa and Google Channels, Digital Signage, Back Office/Members Area, and Group and individual messaging capability.

I have tried to be as transparent as possible. I HATE THE BAIT AND SWITCH! Any questions, the CEO himself will answer: The Michael E. Jordan Group™, Crowd Funded Cashback Community™, Cashback Community Store™, Cashback Community TV™, THAT Geofence™ and THAT Travel Club™ are owned and operated by the Michael E. Jordan Group, LLC™.

What I’m Doing!

My guarantee to the Community is to share a minimum of 65% of every dollar earned by Michael E. Jordan Group™ properties with Community members!

My job is to add tried and tested products, goods and services which are desirable to people worldwide, people who are online anyway, and provide the Michael E. Jordan Group™ EXCLUSIVE Crowd Funded Cashback referral commissions (unattainable anywhere else) for the members of the Community.

I am constantly challenging my developers and code writers to think outside the box so that the Community will be relevant 500 years from now. So, if you are a code writer or developer, or just a Community member who thinks of something unique, cutting-edge and cool, holla at us in the Support section under Suggestions; please note you will not be directly compensated for your suggestions, but you will get full credit! Should I decide to use your idea to enhance the Community experience, I will give you full credit for the suggestion, as well as if you have developed the feature.

When you enter the Community and access the members area, you will find a host of cool, fun features which are conceived for our Community members. Your members area is your control to all your social media pages where you can post content on any social media page from your members area.

The Community where having Followers, Friends and Contacts pays, when they see the value and benefits of joining your Crowd! An online Community where people want to be! Getting paid to be on the internet using your social media voice to share the world’s 1st Crowd Funded Cashback Community™ in the history of the internet.

Furthermore, upon the death of a Community member, in line with our terms and conditions, the Michael E. Jordan Group™ will honor your requests to pass on accumulated earnings to your loved ones making sure they also get paid.


To Our Success!

Crowd Funded Cashback Community™

Exclusive Members Only Services

My Contribution to the Community

Crowd Funded Cashback™ Compensation Plan:

This compensation model fits for the 65% of monthly revenue earned by the Crowd Funded Cashback Community™ is paid back to the members in the form of crowd funded cashback referral commissions and paid on 6 referral levels.

THAT Travel Club™

Subscriptions & Referral Commissions

Crowd Funded Cashback Community™
EXCLUSIVE PRICING to THAT Travel Club Full: Time Share Owners You Understand Why! Premiere savings of 90% where you gain a $25,000 value now, affordably priced at a onetime payment of $1,500, then only $39.92 per month!

Timeshare Maintenance fees are $380 per month x 12 months = $4,560
annually x 10 years = $45,600. Maintenance Fees Rose Again in 2019.

BENEFITS: Timeshare Owners Program, Daily Savings Programs, Back Office & Support, Amazing Travel Engine.

Referral Commissions:

$1,401 THAT Travel Club™ Full – Available Commissions
Community 66% = $924.66

Level #1 50% = $462.33
Level #2 25% = $231.17
Level #3 10% = $92.47
Level #4 05% = $46.23
Level #5 05% = $46.23
Level #6 05% = $46.23

Total 65% = $924.66

Crowd Funded Cashback Community™ EXCLUSIVE PRICING to THAT Travel ClubLite. Premiere savings of 90% where you gain a $10,000 value now, affordably priced at a onetime payment of $1,000, then only $24.92 per month.

Timeshare Maintenance fees are $380 per month x 12 months = $4,560
annually x 10 years = $45,600. Maintenance Fees Rose Again in 2019.

BENEFITS: Timeshare Owners Program, Daily Savings Programs, Back Office & Support, Amazing Travel Engine

Referral Commissions:

$901 THAT Travel ClubLite – Available Commissions
Community 66% = $594.66

Level #1 50% = $297.33
Level #2 25% = $148.67
Level #3 10% = $59.47
Level #4 05% = $29.73
Level #5 05% = $29.73
Level #6 05% = $29.73

Total 65% = $594.66

66% of the onetime price of THAT Travel Club paid by the new Community members, you refer are shared with the Community!

Cashback Community TV

Subscriptions & Referral Commissions

The subscriptions are exclusively month to month. You can set up an auto pay if you desire to pay without having to remember. A missed payment could cause you to miss a big event you’d like to see. 

The service provider I use says you will need a minimum download speed of 30 Mbps for the Platinum Package to ensure a great user experience. You will need 50 Mbps for the 4K Package. There will Be NO REFUNDS ALL SALES ARE FINAL

Platinum Package 30K MBPS Monthly Subscription  

1 – Connection  =  Members Price = $9 
2 – Connections = Members Price = $17 
3 – Connections = Members Price = $24 
4 – Connections = Members Price = $30  

Crowd Funded Cashback Referral Commissionable Amounts:
1 Connection: $6
Community 66% = $3.96

Level #1 = $1.98
Level #2 = $0.99
Level #3 = $0.40
Level #4 = $0.20
Level #5 = $0.20
Level #6 = $0.20

Total = $3.97

2 Connections: $11
Community 66% = $7.26

Level #1 = $3.63
Level #2 = $1.82
Level #3 = $0.73
Level #4 = $0.36
Level #5 = $0.36
Level #6 = $0.36

Total = $7.26

3 Connections: $15
Community 65% = $9.90

Level #1 = $4.95
Level #2 = $2.48
Level #3 = $0.99

Level #4 = $0.50
Level #5 = $0.50
Level #6 = $0.50

Total = $9.92

4 Connections: $18
Community 66% = $11.88

Level #1 = $5.96
Level #2 = $2.97
Level #3 = $1.19
Level #4 = $0.59
Level #5 = $0.59
Level #6 = $0.59

Total = $11.88

4K Package 50K MBPS Monthly Subscription  

1 – Connection =   Members Price = $11 
2 – Connections = Members Price = $19 
3 – Connections = Members Price = $26 
4 – Connections = Members Price = $32 

Crowd Funded Cashback Referral Commissionable Amounts:
1 Connection: $7
Community 66% = $4.62

Level #1 = $2.31
Level #2 = $1.16
Level #3 = $0.46
Level #4 = $0.23
Level #5 = $0.23
Level #6 = $0.23

Total = $4.62

2 Connections: $15
Community 66% = $9.90

Level #1 = $4.95
Level #2 = $2.48
Level #3 = $0.99
Level #4 = $0.50
Level #5 = $0.50
Level #6 = $0.50

Total = $9.92

 3 Connections: $22
Community 66% = $14.52

Level #1 = $7.26
Level #2 = $3.63
Level #3 = $1.45
Level #4 = $0.73
Level #5 = $0.73
Level #6 = $0.73

Total = $14.53

4 Connections: $28
Community 66% = $18.48 

Level #1 = $9.24
Level #2 = $4.62
Level #3 = $1.85
Level #4 = $0.92
Level #5 = $0.92
Level #6 = $0.92

Total = $18.87

THAT Geofence

Subscriptions & Referral Commissions

Package #1 $379 – Commissions Available $279
Community 66% = $184.14

Level 1 = 50% = $92.07
Level 2 = 25% = $46.04
Level 3 = 10% = $18.41
Level 4 = 5% = $9.21
Level 5 = 5% = $9.21
Level 6 = 5% = $9.21

Total = $184.15

Package #2 $479 – Commissions Available $379
Community 66% = $250.15

Level 1 = 50% = $125.07
Level 2 = 25% = $62.54
Level 3 = 10% = $25.01
Level 4 = 5% = $12.51
Level 5 = 5% = $12.51
Level 6 = 5% = 12.51

Total = $250.15

 Package #3 $579 – Commissions Available $479
Community 66% = $316.15

Level 1 = 50% = $158.08
Level 2 = 25% = $79.04
Level 3 = 10% = $ 31.61
Level 4 = 5% = $15.81
Level 5 = 5% = $15.81
Level 6 = 5% = $15.81

Total = $316.15

Checkout Note: There are No Refunds Period! Do not make the purchase if you are not certain you want the service! You have 72 hours to cancel this service!

MEJ Group Business Suite

A. Basic Suite 3 Seats= $4.99 per seat per month Total $14.97 / Save 10% per month Billed Annually Total ($162)
Commissionable Volume: $4.99 Per Seat x 3 Seats = $14.97

Community 66% = $9.88

Level 1 50% = $4.95
Level 2 25% = $2.47
Level 3 10% = $0.99
Level 4 05% = $0.49
Level 5 05% = $0.49
Level 6 05% = $0.49

Total: $9.88

Commissionable Volume: $4.50 Per Seat x 3 Seats x 12 months = $162

Community 66% = $106.92

Level 1 50% = $53.46
Level 2 25% = $26.73
Level 3 10% = $10.69
Level 4 05% = $5.35
Level 5 05% = $5.35
Level 6 05% = $5.35

Total:  $106.93


B. Standard Suite 3 Seats= $ 6.99 per seat per month Total $20.97 / Save 10% per month Billed Annually Total ($226.48)
Commissionable Volume: $6.99 Per Seat x 3 Seats = $20.97

Community 66% = $13.84

Level 1 50% = $6.92
Level 2 25% = $3.47
Level 3 10% = $1.38
Level 4 05% = $0.69
Level 5 05% = $0.69
Level 6 05% = $0.69

Total: $13.84

Commissionable Volume: $6.29 Per Seat x 3 Seats x 12 months = $226.44

Community 66% = $149.45

Level 1 50% = $74.73
Level 2 25% = $37.36
Level 3 10% = $14.95
Level 4 05% = $7.47
Level 5 05% = $7.47
Level 6 05% = $7.47

Total: $149.95

C. Pro Suite 3 Seats= $11.99 per seat per month Total $35.97 / Save 10% per month Billed Annually Total ($388.48)

Commissionable Volume: $11.99 Per Seat x 3 Seats = $35.97

Community 66% = $23.74

Level 1 50% = $11.88
Level 2 25% = $5.94
Level 3 10% = $2.37
Level 4 05% = $1.19
Level 5 05% = $1.19
Level 6 05% = $1.19

Total: $23.75

Commissionable Volume: $10.79 Per Seat x 3 Seats x 12 months = $388.44

Community 66% = $256.37

Level 1 50% = $128.19
Level 2 25% = $64.09
Level 3 10% = $25.64
Level 4 05% = $12.82
Level 5 05% = $12.82
Level 6 05% = $12.82

Total: $256.38

D. Enterprise Suite= Contact Us to Discuss!

Commissions based 300+ seat minimum with a 30% discount @ 11.99 per seat which is $8.39 per seat
Commissionable Volume: $9.59 per seat × 300 seats = $2,877

Community 66% = $1,898.82

Level 1 50% = $949.41
Level 2 25% = $474.71
Level 3 10% = $189.88
Level 4 05% = $94.94
Level 5 05% = $94.94
Level 6 05% = $94.94

Total: $1,898.82

Commissionable Volume:10% discount applied $7.55 per seat × 300 seats = $27,180

Community 66% = $17,938.80

Level 1 50% = $8,969.40
Level 2 25% = $4,484.70
Level 3 10% = $1,793.88
Level 4 05% = $896.94
Level 5 05% = $896.94
Level 6 05% = $896.94

Total: $17,938.80

Community Members Gain Access to
Cashback Community Store

Community members gain access to Cashback Community Store™ where, when your referred Community members purchase their monthly goods and services, you get paid. It’s that simple! Shop the brands you are used to getting and get our EXCLUSIVE Crowd Funded Cashback referral commissions, where the variety of vendor services keeps getting better.

Cashback Community Store
66% of Every $1 dollar
66% of Every $0.01 Penny
Community 66% = $0.66 or $0.0066

Level #1 = $0.11 or $0.0011
Level #2 = $0.11 or $0.0011
Level #3 = $0.11 or $0.0011
Level #4 = $0.11 or $0.0011
Level #5 = $0.11 or $0.0011
Level #6 = $0.11 or $0.0011

Total 66% = $0.66 or $0.0066

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